Jiri Skarvan, MD

Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology of the Musculoskeletal System (FMH)

Faculty and Specialty

Injuries and Diseases of the Shoulder and Elbow
Surgery of the Shoulder and Ellbow Arthroscopic and Open
Artificial Joint Replacement of the Shoulder
Fracture Treatment of the Upper Extremity



Education, Training and Curriculum

  • Seniorconsultant Shoulder and Ellbow, Praxis LEONARDO, Hirslanden Clinic, since 2014
  • Chief ad interim/ Chief deputy Kantonsspital Baselland Bruderholz, Orthopaedic department, 2008 – 2013
  • Co-Chief , St. Claraspital Basel, Orthopaedic department, 1999 – 2008
  • Fellowship Shoulder+Ellbow: Kommunehospital, University of Aarhus, Dänemark, 1998 – 1999
  • Senior resident, Orthopaedic department , Universitätsspital Basel, 1994 – 1998
  • Specialised as Orthopaedic Surgeon FMH, 1994
  • Co-Chief , St. Claraspital Basel, Orthopaedic department, 1999 – 2008
  • Orthopaedic resident: Kantonsspitäler Olten und Chur, Universitätsspital Basel, 1988 – 1994
  • Fellowship: University of Calgary, Laboratory of Human Performance, 1987
  • Medical Thesis : University of Basel, 1990
  • Medical studies, University of Basel, 1980 – 1986


Swiss Orthopaedic Society
AO Alumni (Association of Fracture Treatment)
AGA (Association of Arthroscopy)
„Kindern eine Chance geben“ (Vietnam) „Give children a chance“ with yearly work activities


Primäre versus sekundäre Omarthrose – Diagnostik und Therapie ; Schweiz Med Forum 2013
Combined gracilis tendon autograft reconstruction and discus repair of a chronic anterior-superior sternoclavicular joint dislocation (3. Autor) ESSKA Journal 2011

Contact office shoulder surgery
Phone: 0613352432
Fax: 0613352414
Time: Mo-Mi: 08:00-11:30 und 14:00-16:30
Do&Fr: 08:00-11.30 und 14:00-16:00